Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Great Thing About a Blog Is...

You can pretty much talk about whatever you want and it doesn't HAVE to be about any one specific thing OR it can be about one specific thing. The freedom this gives the author is absolutely wonderful I think. I can sit here and rant about Magic: The Gathering and how I know more about it then most people who don't play it due to my friends and husband and how I kinda don't care about it at all. Or I can have discussions at length about the books I'm currently reading and how much I like them or don't or what I wish the author would do and get done now. Or I can continue to have rambly nonsensical things like this. Guess which I'm going to do :D
Yessiree, you are correct. I'm going to keep on rambling. That's the point of this adventure. To put thoughts into words and see what happens. Sorta makes me feel like a scientist. "Oooh, what happens if I toss this thing in here?" I know possible outcomes but not quite sure if it will end up the way I predict it will. Even though in this case, I have no predictions at all. Other than hoping hilarity ensues. Or at least magical word things. So far I am pleased. We shall see how this progresses.
No idea how often I will ramble on here but you, the reader, I wish you well in your adventures within this blog wonderland(or wasteland. Depending.) and we shall see you again.

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