Friday, January 18, 2013

Dear Commercials on TV

Why do you insist on having the parents in these commercials not actually being parents? There's that Fruits Roll Up commercial where the kid is whining for a snack and the mom just up and gets him one anyways. I'm sorry but kids will learn that if you give in that they can easily get what they want. I mean I can understand not wanting your kids to freak out and embarrass you in a public setting, but there's a line where you still can be a parent and not give in to them just to save face.
And then there's that Pediasure commercial. The mom is worried that she can't get her kid to eat everything he should, so instead of being creative about things, she gets Pediasure instead. However in watching the commercial, it's clear that the kid DOES eat the things she wants him to, just not the amounts she wants. Kids go through times when they don't eat as much, or they only want to eat the same things over and over again. They do eventually grow out of it. And there are ways to get them to eat things they normally wouldn't, you just gotta be creative about it.
And then there's that one about TruMoo chocolate milk. The son asks if he could have it, which is fine. But rather than the mom looking at the ingredients and such herself, some little guy pops up on her shoulder telling her that it's good for him. and then the little devil on her shoulder has nothing bad to say about it... It's like, really? This successful looking lady can't make a decision without someone telling her how to make it?!?
I'm just sick of these commercials that are telling parents that they no longer have to be parents any more. That they need to let other people tell them how to be parents. It's just with how some people are parents these days, there's a reason why kids are terrible these days. It drives me insane. It's like the idea of parents being parents is a foreign concept these days. Like all these kids are dictating to their parents how their parents should be. There's a line between working out compromises with your kids, and letting them decide how everything should be. No means no means no. Is that really so hard?

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! Brandon and I gripe about that all the time. No one wants to work at being a parent. Sometimes I think kids are a status symbol more than anything and that's sad. And to top it all off, the parents are surprised when the kid doesn't listen to them. It's like, really??!!
